wuzhen festival – Stan Lai & Eugenio Barba (25 OCT.)

对话八:百年孤寂 尤金尼奥·巴尔巴对谈赖声川
尤金尼奥·巴尔巴 对谈: 赖声川
2024 年 10 月 25 日 14:00-15:45
Dialogue 8: One Hundred Years of Solitude: A Conversation Between Eugenio Barba and Stan Lai
Eugenio Barba, Stan Lai
Oct. 25, 2024, 2:00-3:45 PM
尤金尼奥·巴尔巴和他的欧丁剧团是乌镇戏剧节的常客,今年是他们创团 60 周年。赖声川老师是戏剧节的发起人之一,他的表演工作坊成立至今也 40 年。加起来,两位戏剧创作者有一百年的创意,在此对谈中和大家分享。
Eugenio Barba and his performers have graced the Wuzhen Theatre Festival several times. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of his Odin Teatret. One of the founders of the festival, Stan Lai launched his Performance Workshop 40 years ago. Adding up to 100 years, these troupes helmed by the two theatrical titans have brought the world many marvels of creation, an experience they will share with the public.

Stan Lai’s photo: ©郭延冰(Guo Yanbing)
Eugenio Barba’s photo: Francesco Galli