Eugenio Barba
1 December 2022
Here is the epilogue of a long odyssey and the beginning of a new one.
At the end of November 2022, I and Odin Teatret will leave Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium – Odin Teatret, the institution that my actors and I founded and have developed in Holstebro since 1966, and which I led until December 2020.
This separation is due to the artistic choices and organisational transformations of the new director and the board of directors. Their way of thinking and realising theatre diverges fundamentally from the ideals and work culture that have characterised the identity of Odin Teatret as a theatre group.
I and Odin Teatret will continue our activities in Holstebro and abroad. You can follow us on our new website https://odinteatret.org and on the social media networks bearing our name.
I, an eighty-six-year-old director, and my actors of more than seventy springs, rejoice at the prospect of continuing to meet Holstebro citizens and Odin’s ‘secret people’ who have followed us for more than half a century.
We count on actively spending our old age on performances and projects, adapting to the rhythm of our vitality. This will not be at the farm that we transformed into a ‘theatre laboratory’, the home that welcomed so many of you. But we all know that theatre is the men and women who make it, and not a building.
Odin Teatret will continue to dance with indestructible faith in the values that inspired us, and with unchanged gratitude towards the citizens and politicians of Holstebro who supported us when we were anonymous foreigners.
1966, Eugenio Barba and Odin Teatret’s actors visiting Særkærgard (Særkærparken 144 in Holstebro).
Særkærgård 1966
1966, The first working room under construction
2020, Særkærparken 144