Interview: Odin Teatret’s founder speaks out: It was clear that they wanted to get rid of me
Odin Teatret’s founder, Eugenio Barba, has been in bitter dispute …
Odin Teatret’s founder, Eugenio Barba, has been in bitter dispute …
Il fondatore dell’Odin Teatret, Eugenio Barba, è stato per quasi due anni in aspra disputa…
Han var med til at gøre Holstebro til en kulturby, Nu føler han sig svigtet…
THE PRESENCE OF THE ACTOR AND DANCER – in Spanish with translation in English and Italian
The 3rd International Conference on Theatre Anthropology is organised by the Theatre Laboratory of Drama and Speech of the Department of Theatre Studies – University of Patras…
Amsterdam 11 March from 10 am to 9 pm – Eugenio Barba and Julia Varley at Zid Theatre
Med Rolf Sparre Johansson, kl. 20.00 på Knudsens, Holstebro. Nyd et glas vin til poetiske klange af ord og toner, når vi ….
27 Feb. – 5 March Performance and workshops in Bergamo, Italy
22 Feb. 10 free lessons. Registration is obligatory
13-14 February 4.30 pm at Black Box Theatre – Performance AVE MARIA
2. februar kl. 20.00 på Knudsens – Holstebro …
Programa completo en Ciudad de México y Cuernavaca
Henrik Nordbrandt var en del af Odin Teatrets hjem og historie i Holstebro. I 1998 byggede teatrets ensembleforestilling, MYTHOS….
BUENOS AIRES, 28 noviembre 2022
SANTA FE, del 30 noviembre – 4 diciembre
MONTEVIDEO, 5 diciembre…